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From Anima Mundi:
4oz bag
Catuaba is a legendary Brazilian aphrodisiac plant first used by the Tupi Indians, with many songs composed over the last few centuries praising its wonders and abilities. They believe that Catuaba has bestowed them with extraordinarily large genitals and unrivaled sexual prowess - it is for this reason they have earned a special nickname, the Elephant Men of the Jungle!
A relative of the coca plant, Catuaba doesn’t actually contain any of the alkaloids found in cocaine! However, within Brazilian herbal medicine Catuaba bark is categorized as a stimulant and is renowned in South America as a powerful aphrodisiac.
Meaning “what gives strength to an Indian”, Catuaba is also traditionally used as a general tonic to strengthen and balance overall bodily functions, a nervous system stimulant and due to the red color of the extract, it was believed to be good for the heart and the blood.
Make tea with 1-2 teaspoons of the bark powder per cup of hot water, up to three times per day. Add into your favorite chai, smoothie, or tea to enhance the magic!
For an extra potent brew: simmer for 5-15 minutes on low heat.
Ingredients: Wildcrafted Catuaba (Erythroxylum vaccinifolium) Inner Bark sourced from Peru
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
From Anima Mundi:
4oz bag
Catuaba is a legendary Brazilian aphrodisiac plant first used by the Tupi Indians, with many songs composed over the last few centuries praising its wonders and abilities. They believe that Catuaba has bestowed them with extraordinarily large genitals and unrivaled sexual prowess - it is for this reason they have earned a special nickname, the Elephant Men of the Jungle!
A relative of the coca plant, Catuaba doesn’t actually contain any of the alkaloids found in cocaine! However, within Brazilian herbal medicine Catuaba bark is categorized as a stimulant and is renowned in South America as a powerful aphrodisiac.
Meaning “what gives strength to an Indian”, Catuaba is also traditionally used as a general tonic to strengthen and balance overall bodily functions, a nervous system stimulant and due to the red color of the extract, it was believed to be good for the heart and the blood.
Make tea with 1-2 teaspoons of the bark powder per cup of hot water, up to three times per day. Add into your favorite chai, smoothie, or tea to enhance the magic!
For an extra potent brew: simmer for 5-15 minutes on low heat.
Ingredients: Wildcrafted Catuaba (Erythroxylum vaccinifolium) Inner Bark sourced from Peru
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
Copyright Ravenstone 2022